Sunday with Tan France: ‘I feel nauseous if I eat anything for breakfast’


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Jul 29, 2023

Sunday with Tan France: ‘I feel nauseous if I eat anything for breakfast’

Up early? We recently had a second son, Isaac, who is only seven weeks old. Our eldest, Ishmael, is two. I’m up at 5.40am, because our night nanny works until 6am. I need to get out of bed, brush my

Up early? We recently had a second son, Isaac, who is only seven weeks old. Our eldest, Ishmael, is two. I’m up at 5.40am, because our night nanny works until 6am. I need to get out of bed, brush my teeth and relieve the nanny.

Next up? My husband, Rob, will bring down Ishmael around 6.30am. We’ll sit him down to watch a Disney movie as we make his milk. Then I’ll go to the gym.

Breakfast? On my way home I get what we call a ‘dirty chai’ – tea with a shot of espresso. I feel nauseous if I eat anything for breakfast. Then Rob will go for a run, I’ll feed the baby and try to stop my eldest from destroying everything.

And then? I’m the cook of the house, so I’ll start lunch. Typically on a weekend, lunch is less laborious, so something like fish with broccoli and asparagus.

Sunday afternoons? We’ll either all go for a walk, or switch up so one of us stays home to watch the newborn while the other takes our eldest. We live on the side of a mountain in Salt Lake City. We’re building a new home that will be ready in a couple of months.

What sort of home? It’s a house I designed – my dream home, with a mixture of English and South Asian influences. And my closet is simply huge!

Dinner? Around about three or four I’ll start making Indian food, like chicken and pepper or cauliflower curry, depending on what my husband wants.

Sundays growing up? Very simple. Most of the day was on the sofa watching television, eating what we would call ‘English’ food by which we meant pizza, Chinese or Thai, but not Asian food. Then we would visit family, my dad’s siblings, our cousins, in South Yorkshire.

Sunday evenings? We’ll sit outside on the patio because it’s gorgeous in the US right now and chat about goodness knows what. Then we’ll come back inside and watch some comedy on Netflix.

Kids’ bedtime? The kids are in bed by 7pm. I love to bake – or I might go to my favourite bakery in town. There’s not a moment when I don’t have my mouth full of food until we religiously go to bed at 10pm.

Last thing before lights out? This is going to sound insane because I’m 40 and my husband’s 47. We watch TikTok videos of people doing something stupid, called fail videos. People think I’m living the dream. Don’t get me wrong, I am, but it’s not at a glam party. I just love the freedom of being at home.

Say Yes To The Dress with Tan France is on Really and catch up on Discovery+. This interview took place prior to the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike

Up early? Next up? Breakfast? And then?Sunday afternoons?What sort of home?Dinner? Sundays growing up?Sunday evenings?Kids’ bedtime? Last thingbefore lights out?